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Home / Articles Posted by Mark (Page 4)

All posts by Mark

MiPlan Wins Raging Bull Award Again

  MiPlan IP Global Macro makes the most of Global opportunities – Again and Again Individual stock picks and sound asset allocation earned the MiPlan IP Global Macro Fund this year’s Raging Bull Award for the top performer in the Global Multi Asset Flexible Sector. This is the second year in a row that the fund has…

How to Fix the Mi-Plan Application Freeze on start up due to missing Financial Data

If you come across a problem whereby the Mi-Plan application freezes when you start it then please follow these instructions for an easy fix. You may see one of two errors. Either the frozen splash screen (freezes on “Reading Financial Data”): Or the error box like this: Please complete the following to fix this: Go…

Steinhoff update : Miplan range of funds : No exposure to Steinhoff debt & Limited Exposure to Steinhoff International (SNH)

Investors in the MiPlan range of Unit Trust funds will be relieved to hear that our funds held no exposure to Steinhoff debt and limited exposure to Steinhoff International (SNH). The largest exposure on 5th December by any MiPlan fund in Steinhoff International (SNH) was a holding of 1.85% of assets in the MiPlan Beta…

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